Thursday, December 22, 2011

Midterm result & re-sit

You can view your midterm result at the following link (Please take not these mark is not moderated yet, so there might be changes after moderation)

Those with mark less than 10 can optionally re-sit the midterm tomorrow (23rd Dec) at 3PM at one of the tutorial room (any room that is available). The new mark for those who re-sit would be the average from the first one and the re-sit version. Please note that questions are relatively much tougher than the previous set. Topic is until combinational circuit.

Congratulation to those who manage to score full mark.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Your assignment number is the last number in your matrix number. So if your matrix number is WET100112 then your assignment number is 2.

Do and simulate in multisim the following converter. Submit the completed circuit file and report in doc/pdf format (brief report like your sequential report) to (please put your matrix number as the subject in your email)

0. Input: 4 bit signed magnitude Output: 5 bit 2nd complement
1. Input: 4 bit signed magnitude Output: 5 bit 1st complement
2. Input: 4 bit BCD Output: 4 bit Gray code
3. Input: 4 bit Excess-3 Output: 4 bit Binary
4. Input: 4 bit 1st complement Output: 4 bit sign magnitude
5. Input: 4 bit 2nd complement Output: 4 bit sign magnitude
6. Input: 4 bit binary Output: parity even
7. Input: 4 bit binary Output: parity odd
8. 2 bit input half adder (input A,B output C,S)
9. 3 bit input full adder (input A,B,Cin output C,S)

Last date of submission: 30th Dec 2011

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