Thursday, October 7, 2010

Group Project

You can view the group list & viva schedule from here. The grouping is FINAL. No addition/changes/modification is allowed.

Design a counter circuit from your own matrix number
1. Omit the 2nd/3rd/4th duplicate in your matrix number. For example if your matrix is 090093 it will be 093
2. The number would be your state in the counter design. Do a backward counter from the number. For example if the number is 093 then the counter would be 0 --> 3 --> 9 --> 0
3. Choose any type of FF that  you want to use in your counter (ie JK FF, SR FF, T FF, D FFF). Complete the corresponding next state table and sequential circuit
4. Draw the circuit in MultiSim simulator (you can download the student evaluation version from here) . During the viva you need to demonstrate the circuit is functioning as it should be (use the 7 bit led segment to show the counter)

Assessment & Submission
The marks for this group project is 15%.  Mark would be derived from the percentage of successful simulation. For example if 8 out of 10 circuit successfully simulated then the marks would be 16.

You also need to submit the documentation by group in CD format (1 CD pergroup). The documentation will be another 5% (to be marked individually). Documentation should consist
-documentation in doc/docx/pdf format
-circuit softcopy
Arrange the documentation in individual folder using the matrix number as the folder title (eg WEK100001,WET0900706)

tips: Your senior has done a similar project to this one. Request assistance from them especially in how to use the simulation software. Electrical student should also has some experience using similar software.

(The group mark is reduced from 20% to 15% to accomodate assessment from quizes done during your tutorial session)

Any case of possible plagiarism/copying will be dealt severely. Not only BOTH OF YOU will get zero for your assessment , the department will report the case to the university discipline board which upon conviction might expel/suspend you from the course.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Midterm test

Date: 2nd Sept 2010
Location: DK1
Time: 3:00 - 4:30pm (please be there 10 minutes before 3:00 and adjust your seat accordingly)
Marks: 25%
Question: MCQ (Multiple Choice Question - Objectives)

Calculator allowed.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chapter 4 & Chapter 5 slide

Chapter 4 & Chapter 5 slide added to the slide link. Thank you

Emran Mohd Tamil

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tutorial Slot

Starting from this Thursday 29th July 2010, the tutorial slot would be divided into 6 group and handled by 3 tutors.

You can check your new tutorial group from the following link

Any difficulty (ie your slot is actually 4pm but since you have another course you need to change to 3pm) then you should contact your assigned tutor. Their workdesk is at Multimedia Lab.

Thank you.

Monday, July 26, 2010


This blog is created specifically for WXES1109 student of FSKTM under Mr Emran Mohd Tamil for Sem I 2010/2011. From here you can download the notes, tutorial, datasheet and sample solutions. This website will also be used to put announcement regarding the class. Thank you.

Emran Mohd Tamil

My Other Blog